
Hyun-Han Shin

As the 40th President of the Korean Securities Association (KSA), I warmly welcome you to our official website.

Since its foundation in 1976, KSA has developed into the most prestigious academic association in the Asia-Pacific region beyond Korea, leading academic research in the field of finance and contributing to the development of the Korean financial markets. We think that this development of KSA is greatly thanks to the dedication and hard work of past presidents and executives, and the continued enthusiasm and active participation of its members.

KSA plays an integral role in the development of the finance academic community through various channels. First and foremost, the Korean Securities Association is publishing the world-renowned SSCI-indexed journal (Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies) and SCOPUS-indexed journal (Korean Journal of Financial Studies) at the same time, producing many excellent papers every year. In addition, the Korea Securities Association supports academic advancement in the field of finance by holding international and domestic academic events and numerous research support programs. More specifically, our annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, now on its 18th year, is recognized as one of the top international conferences in the region, as papers presented at the conference are continuously published in leading international journals.

KSA also contributes to the development of the country’s financial markets via diverse programs and events designed to provide a link between academia and financial services industry. For example, we offer multiple symposiums on financial policy/regulation and seminars in which academics, policy makers, and industry practitioners get together to discuss current policy issues in the financial markets. In addition, we sponsor diverse policy- and practice-oriented research to provide solutions for problems faced in the industry.

This year, we plan to operate KSA in a way that it can more effectively accomplish the two missions: contributing to the academic achievement in the field of finance and the development of the financial markets. Above all, we will further strengthen research support for our members by establishing the financial database center and industry-academia research groups. And through this, we will ensure that many research results that are meaningful in policy and practice can be derived. Through the activities of industry-academia research groups, which provides a platform to share practical experiences and concerns of policy makers and industry practitioners with academia, the research results of academia analyzed in depth on hot current topics will be reflected in policies and used in corporate management. The seminar “Listen to the Capital Market Guru” which invites experts from the capital market, will provide young scholars with an opportunity to share the role of the Korean Securities Association for the development of the capital market.

For the academic achievement of our members, and the development of KSA and the country’s financial markets, we ask for your continued enthusiasm and active participation in programs and events that will be hosted throughout the year. Thank you.

Hyun-Han Shin40th President of Korean Securities Association